Climate crisis and clean energy

 Climate crisis and clean energy

The climate is being too cruel or it is being too kind for the people at different stages and different locations. It is providing more water for consumption at one point and at the same time, another location is having no safe water. It was as equity on before where Human is becoming artificial. During the pre-historic period, whatever humankind is doing he was considered within the limits of Nature. But due to several reasons or due to nature’s plan, at this point whatever human does becoming artificial. For example, if Humankind is planning to do reforestation or afforestation to reduce the Green House Gases (GHG’s), it will not be Nature’s way. It will not sustain in most instances and it will lead a way for collapse. If actually, man needs to do good works, he just wants to leave it as it is, where nature will conquer and regrow with whatever it needs. The climate is the same, rather than doing everything, if we just switch back to Old times everything will be back to Normal. It will not come in immediate effect, takes time. But it will sustain, safe, and more importantly, it will make a balanced eco-system.

Due to this climate crisis, the countries are aggreging memorandums, treaties, and other laws and legislation at an international level to speed up the process. This leads to constraining man from his day-to-day activities with or without their desires. For example usage of public transport instead of private vehicles can be done via, imposing tax increase or carpooling method introduction. But ultimately anyhow there will be a carbon footprint that will be left beyond the path where we are trying to walk.

Reduction of carbon-footprint through carbon credits is the current modern technology that is being used to reduce these and to enhance the use of clean energy sources. Clean energy sources are which could provide an effective and efficient energy consumption for end-users with less or nil carbon footprint. Rather than providing alternative energy sources with a carbon footprint, clean energy will do the same work with zero carbon footprint. The perfect clean energy mix occurs where green energy (Energy derived from natural sources) meets renewable energy (is power generated from sources that are constantly being replenished), such as solar energy and wind energy.

So these clean energies are the emergent and future energy concepts to sustain with the climate changes until they get back to normal. We must know how we could obtain clean energy for our day to day base activities, which can be easily achievable but will yield a bigger difference to the biosphere.

First of all, Sunlight is the primary energy source that is available for the planet. Already plants are in the process of converting the energy from the Sunlight to the energy that we can use from ancient times. There is a discussion that, if we could able to plant more trees or crops, it could absorb a significant amount of carbon-dioxide and change it backs to organic carbon which could influence the greater reduction of atmospheric CO2. This statement seems to be true but not completely. Because the respiration rate may be a factor to consider and the formation of fossil fuels which will take a thousand years for the user will not be a sustainable answer for that. For this reason, we are moving towards solar panels, which will obtain its net-zero energy quickly (the carbon footprint for the production and maintenance becoming zero by the conversion) within a short period, and can be used for clean energy production after that.

Hydro or water power is one of the most commercially developed and successful sources of clean energy especially in third world countries like Sri Lanka. This energy source is seen as more reliable than either wind or solar power and also allows for the easy storage of the energy that is generated so it can be used in line with demand. Wind power is another plentiful source of clean energy, which is currently increasing in Sri Lanka along the coastal lines. It could able to provide a good contribution to Sri Lanka's energy consumption within the near future. Biomass uses solid fuel created from plant materials to produce electricity. Although this energy source still requires the burning of organic materials, this is not wood and is now much cleaner and energy-efficient than in the past. It is being somewhat advance when it has come to a large-scale perspective in Sri Lanka.

The biggest happy news that as Sri Lankans was, our country had talked highly to international standards from the Ministry of Power. Minister Ranjith Siyabalapitiya said in the inauguration ceremony of the wind power initiative as “by 2020, in this country, 30% of electricity will be generated from renewable energy. By 2030, this should be increased up to 50%”. As we are an island, it is greater to consider the climate crisis. The increase of the global temperature, which will eventually increase the danger of the sea-level rise has to be first gets by the islands. As we are near the island to the Atlantic, we have to be taken precautionary measures and should be able to build a sustainable way while leaving nature to going backs to the original state. The only thing we have to do is, we have to be given the time for nature to do so on, without disturbing it.

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