Climate Crisis and Clean Energy

Climate Crisis and Clean Energy

The changes that exist in the atmosphere for a long period of time can be simply named as the “climate changes” which results as “climate crisis” later on, including mainly rise of temperature, precipitation and wind patterns. This has become a major environmental problem in which the consequences have turned totally negative in a way that is quite difficult to survive in the planet. The term “climate change” has also used to imply and emphasize the serious problems that are being caused or that are supposed to be raised by the changes in the planet’s weather. The threat of global warming has rapidly increased since 20th century and has reached a state in which that is uncontrollable by any means, as a result this has become the major critical problem prevailing at the moment. Out of all the climatic changes, global warming and its side effects has severely damaged the entire lifestyle of humans and thus we see that climate crisis has its own capacity to change the planet’s entire ecological community.

Even though we have experienced periods of climate changes previously, since when the humans has had an eccentric impact on earth’s climate system from the early 20th century; the world is getting warmer dreadfully due to the increased level of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is also followed by the emission of greenhouse gases: 90% of carbon dioxide and methane and from the burning of fossil fuels: coal, which has resulted in changing weather patterns in to a larger scale. Moreover deforestation, unauthorized constructions, agriculture and manufacturing are the additional contributions in this regard. It is obvious for us that rather than the major contributions to the global warming, the additional causes have a higher rate of influence on everybody since human’s involvement in this process has even change the physical and chemical mechanisms of everything.

The influence of climate crisis on the environment is severe than other everything: since the environment includes all ecosystems functions in this planet. It is reported even from the past that since 1950’s droughts and heat waves have occurred simultaneously. Rising of sea water level of the globe due to the melting of glaciers can be cited as the major consequence of this threat which derives in destruction of the life cycles of man, animal and all other ecosystems. Shrinking of small islands: Maldives, reducing the earth’s space, decreasing the atmospheric oxygen level, ocean acidification, global greening, reduction of the productivity of eco systems, expansion of drier climate zones: deserts, extinction of species specially in the polar regions: polar bears, damages and threatens reefs: including Great Barrier Reef, pest propagation can be shown as the most considerable and influential repercussions of climate crisis. In addition the harm carry through this menace for the humans should not be neglected whereas agricultural changes, desertification, tidal flooding, storm exaggeration rigorously affect for the life patterns of humans. Besides of these all critical health complications: rashes, skin issues, sight issues can also be returned as the sequences of this huge state.

We cannot exactly demonstrate that this is the definite clear-cut to put an end to this critical situation but, there are ways and means which we can apply in order to minimize the impact of this problem. “Clean energy” or else we can say “renewable energy” is the most trustworthy, reliable and solid method we can apply to overcome this challenge as a whole community. Solar power, wind power, bioenergy, geothermal energy and hydro power are the key technologies we can use instead of emission of greenhouse gases. The prominent form of electricity production must be carried out by the use of these renewable energies so that we can achieve carbon neutrality. Practical utilization of everything must be based on eco-friendly system in order that the lives of every being becomes better in survival. Using public transportation system: to avoid emission of CFC gases, preventing further conversion of forests to agricultural lands, increasing land productivity, conserving and restoring forests, reforestation in non-forest lands, get used to 3R concept: reduce, reuse and recycle, avoid using appliances emitting CFC gases are the most suitable, common and practically applicable solutions stand for the prevention of harm caused by the climate crisis.

In spite of all these strategies and methods, “adaptation” must be essential in routines of humans. If not the effort taken throughout this process will go in vain. There are some who followed these steps by heart whereas there are people in the same community who is not concerned on these issues. For that purpose a wide range of rules, regulations and policies have been implemented legally in all round the world by specific organizations and persons as well. Implementing carbon taxes, renewable portfolio standards are laws enacted in some countries to prevent influence of this menace. “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC has established with the objective of preventing dangerous human interference with the climate system.” Furthermore The Montreal Protocol in 1987, The Kyoto Protocol in 1997, Copenhagen Accord in 2009, Paris Agreement in 2015, are the international steps taken on behalf of the prevention of these harmful situations.

After all it is evident enough for us that climate crisis is a universal attentive problem which has occurred as a result of man’s inevitable crazy for money which blinds and leads him towards accomplishing his own welfare without considering anything. Conclusively we can say that we need to extend our hands with each other in order to step to a sustainable and eco-friendly future by fulfilling responsibilities individually for the sake of safe survival of every being in this planet in case of making this place “a better place for me and for you and for everyone”. 

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