Climate Crisis and Clean Energy

 Climate Crisis and Clean Energy

Climate crisis means global warming and climate change and their consequences. Describing climate crisis as climate emergency or global warming appropriate. Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and earth’s temperature by burning fuels, cutting temperature by burning fuels, cutting down rainforest, farming livestock. This add enormous amounts of green house gases to those naturally occurring in atmosphere, increasing the green house effect & global warming.

Green house effect is the main reason for the global warming some gases in the earth’s atmosphere act a bit like green house by trapping IR rays and stopping if from leaking back into space many of these gases occur naturally, but human activities increase the concentration of the gases.

Co2 is the green house gas most commonly produced by human activities & it is responsible for 64% of manmade global warming. Its concentration in the atmosphere is currently 40% higher than it was when industrialization began. Methane is responsible for 17% of man made global warming, Nitrous oxide br 6%.

Multiple studies have shown that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is happening and that human activity is the primary source.
The current global average temperature is 0.850c higher than it was in the late 20th centaury.

Causes for Global Warming.

1. Burning of fossil fuels.
Burning coal, Oil & gas produce Co2 and nitrous oxide, Mostly Co2 is released from factories, industrial zone and from vehicle fumes.

2. Deforestation
Trees help to maintain the O2 and Co2 Level in atmosphere. When the amount of trees reduced, that beneficial effect is lost and C stored in the trees is released into atmosphere.

3. Nitrogen Fertilizers.
They produce nitrous oxide and release to the atmosphere

4. Fluorinated gases.
They produce a very strong warming effect up to 23000 greater than Co2.

5. Increasing livestock farming.
Cows & sheep produce large amount of CH4 Image when they digest food.

Effects of Climate Crisis
1. Change in world’s water system.
2. Higher temperature
3. Melting glaciers
4. Change in rain & snow pattern
5. Frequent & intense draught
6. Shrinking sea ice
7. Dangerous weather events are becomes more frequent.

Each and every corner of the world is suffering from climate crisis. While everyone around the world feels the effect of climate change, the most vulnerable are people living in the world’s poorest countries, world’s 2.5 billion small holder, farmers, herders and fisheries who depend on the climate and natural resources for food and income A scientist states that “ Climate crisis adds a fundamental insecurity to people’s live and live hoods from small island nations to the most developed nation in the world”.

A dangerous myth is that we simply can 4 salve the crisis. That’s not true. A wide rage of technologies are now available to reduce green house gas emission. These include improved efficiency , strong C and a verify of renewable energy solutions.

These technologies have already been implemented at industrial scale. We have everything we need to reduce our carbon pollution and avoid dangerous global warming.

Limiting the use of fossil fuels such as oil, carbon and natural gases and replace that with renewable and cleaner sources of energy all while increasing energy efficiency.
Clean energy is the best way to replace the damage done by climate crisis. As clean energy source don’t emit green house gas, they don’t contribute to global warming.

Clean Energy

Clean energy is the energy derived from renewable, zero emission sources, as well as energy saved through energy efficiency measures. The most common renewable energy resources are biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, solar and wind.

1. Solar.
We experience this amazing clean energy source through sunlight and heat, and we can utilize this energy to create electricity through technology like solar panels or solar power plants. We can generate electricity without any emission / pollution.

2. Wind energy
Another clean energy source, wind energy is technically another form of solar energy since the sun is partially responsible for all weather patterns on earth. Like solar energy, power generated from wind turbine produces no any pollution.

3. Bio energy
This form of renewable energy is created by living organisms such as algae, wood, crop, residue; It can also come from food waste, lane fills and permitted crops. The common application is fuel for transportation. It’s such a versatile form of energy because what it can does generate electricity, its most prevalent use lies in the creation of bio fuel for transportation as a replacement of fossil fuels.

4. Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy isn’t derived from the sun. Instead it is energy in the form of neat from the earth. it self, most often, geothermal is used to heat and cool peoples’ homes. To Create geothermal electricity, the Earth’s heat is used to boil water to create steam. This steam that rotates turbine to generate energy. It’s similar to coal power plant, but it’s from the earth’s heat instead of burning fossil fuel.
5. Hydropower
Hydropower is fueled by water cycle. Sun evaporates water, which then forms clouds that the drop rainfall and snow that create rivers, streams and other large boodles of water. They relies on kinetic energy from flowing water and transform it into electricity through spinning turbine located in a moving body of water.

Uses of clean energy
1. Clean energy resources have no harmful impacts on the air and water we consume. by constant, traditional resources like coal and natural gas pass harmful by-product back into our environment.

2. Renewable energy also helps preserve the world’s natural resources.

3. Reduce risk of environmental disasters, such as fuel spills or the problems associated with natural gas leaks.

4. It has a inherent cost savings, as the resources replenish themselves naturally.

Development of renewable energy such as wind power stations and solar panels hope been increasing exponentially, white the costs have been dropping much faster than expected.

We must choose a healthy environment over healthy economy.
The potential of renewable energy is immense.
A clean energy economy powered by both renewable and energy efficiency is the most sustainable energy planning scenario.

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