Eco- Friendly Construction Methods.

 Eco- Friendly Construction Methods.

Have you ever heard about Michael Reynolds? He is one of the leading characters behind the Eco-Friendly Construction concept. Let me give a little example on Michael (Hereafter Mr. Rey). One day Mr. Rey told an architecture that he was going to build a house by using beer cans. The architecture laughed and asked Mr. Rey not to insult the architectural profession. The main reason for selecting Mr. Rey to begin my article is sometimes we are always having these types of crazy ideas. But as humans we are not going to share or explore more on these topics. Can you imagine that we are living on a planet where we build buildings in green concept using bamboo/recycled plastic etc., recycling and reducing waste, preserving energy, and using natural resources. Hence, you might be wondering that this is not an imaginary situation since these concepts are applied in some countries around the world. Now it is the perfect time to straightly dig into our topic.

According to Green Concrete: Efficient & eco-friendly construction material article it says that once you use concrete waste to make concrete then you will be ended up making green concrete. Let us assume that someone is questioning you about construction industry. Normally the first impression or word comes to our mind is concrete, which has a major impact towards construction. Have you ever thought of any methods other than concrete? Think a bit. You will realize there are plenty of building practices which we can use. As per the Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure explains construction performs a major role starting from all the facilities of humans’ homes to the builds such as roads, highways etc. in the society where they live. Due to the mass increment in developing cities in all over the world the environmental pollution, lack of resources has become a major issue. Therefore, migrating to green concept also called as eco-friendly methods will be more effective than continuing with the traditional setting up methods. Though I have used the term eco-friendly throughout the article this is the perfect time to give some examples for this concept. Greywater plumbing, Green Roofs, Structural 3D developing mechanisms and IoT based buildings are some of the construction methods. Normally in the current developments the wastewater from the toilets is considered as only a garbage. But once we get used to greywater plumbing method, we can purify toilet water and it can be used to watering plants and any other activities in various projects. Using structured 3D model is another environmental-friendly method where you can setup the exact structure of the building wherever you want. As we know every sector has its own pros and cons and it is same to this industry as well. By having non-polluting office premises, the workers could maintain open and free minds in their day today works. Not only that this construction mechanism boosts the number of job opportunities in this specific field. Since the green concept is one of the major economic sources in USA, we also could drive the same monetary destination to Sri Lanka as well. The transition of this concept is not a process where we can accomplish by one or two days. To master this field, we must have to have continuous training that spends more money and time. Still this concept is in the premium stage. Therefore, the cost that anyone could afford is high. But when we focus on this requirement in the organizational level, it is only a one-time installation cost that you must pay.

In conclusion I would like to give the chance to think you all about applying the eco-friendly construction method in Sri Lanka since this country is with full of natural resources. Now, Sri Lanka is looking at other countries and learning lessons about non-polluting construction methods while we are having all the resources and knowledge along with us. This would be a great opportunity to think twice and restart Sri Lankan construction with eco-friendly concept.

(Garg & Jain, 2014)
(R.Pearce, Ahn, & Ltd, Sustainable Buildings and Infastructure, 2013) 

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